"Everybody is a genius.."

“..but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its entire life believing it is stupid”
– Albert Einstein

Comeragh Wilderness Academy

At Comeragh Wilderness Academy, we use a wilderness camp setting to provide a non-punitive atmosphere where boys 9-15 years of age can work through problems and move towards behavioral, emotional, and spiritual wholeness.

Moving forward

For an average of 18 months, campers live together in small groups, developing personal and social skills while working together towards common goals. The great-out-doors is an exciting place for boys to explore, learn, and express their curiosity. With the careful guidance of our staff, they uncover their inner problems and in time, learn to master the struggles that have caused conflict and dysfunction in their family and community.

Comeragh Wilderness Academy registered with TUSLA as an independant school.