
If you have any questions about enrollment or have any questions about our Wilderness Road Camping Programme fill out the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Help a child today

    Comeragh Wilderness Academy can help boys turn their lives around because of the generosity of our donors. Change someone’s life by donating today.

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    We are always happy to speak with you via email or on the phone so if you would like to speak with one of the team here at Comeragh Wilderness Academy you can email us via or phone us (Mon-Fri 9-5) via 051 646854

    1. Contact Us

    Give us a call and talk to one of our family workers. We will mail you an application for you to fill out and submit. Once the application is submitted to our office, we will give you a call and your son will be placed on the waiting list.

    2. Interview

    As an opening for your son approaches, a family worker will visit you and your son in your home for an interview and to discuss the academy program and objectives.

    3. Camp Tour

    This usually happens a week or two ahead of your son moving to the academy. You and your son get a tour of a campsite, and your son decides if our academy is a place he can receive the help he needs. If yes, the date is set for him to move to the school and join his group.

    4. Intake

    The move to the academy includes packing clothes, saying goodbye to family, and settling into the campsite at Comeragh Wilderness Academy. At this point your son is officially a part of his group.

    “Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

    Do you feel the call?

    Comeragh Wilderness Academy can only help boys by people making the most generous donation a person can give; their time. 

    Comeragh Wilderness Academy offers a number of exciting and fulfilling opportunities for individuals to serve in an environment focused on the growth and development of young boys.

    As a camp dedicated to empowering and inspiring the next generation, there are various roles available for those who wish to make a positive impact. 

    If you would like to help serve here in Ireland please contact us via our contact form giving a brief introduction and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

    “By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” – Proverbs 24:4

    About The Academy

    Find out what makes Comeragh Wilderness Academy unique and what it looks like to enroll in one of our programmes.

    Our Team

    Meet the staff that are responsible for running and supporting the every day activities of Comeragh Wilderness Academy.

    Contact Us or Donate

    We are always happy to answer whatever questions you may have. Please follow this link which will bring you to our  ‘Contact us or make a donation’ page.